1069 Old Route 30 | PO Box 172 | Cashtown, PA 17310 (717) 334-3838 | Fax (717) 334-2872 www.cashtownfire.org |
March 3, 2009 |
The first call of Company 4's new fiscal year came in at 1949 hrs for a chimney fire at 637 Bingaman Rd in Box Area 4-3 in Franklin Twp. Captain 4 (Markel) arrived on the scene advising the house was back a very long dirt lane. E4-1 was advised to proceed back the lane, Q1 was canceled due to inaccessibility, and all other units were directed to stage on the hard road. E4-1 arrived on the scene staffed with six, and split into two teams, one going interior and the other to the roof. The interior crew found heavy build up in the bottom of the chimney and the roof advised the top half of the chimney was clear. Crews cleaned the chimney out, ensured no extension, and returned to service at 2038 hrs.
Units: Engine 4-1, Engine 4-3, Quint 1 (canceled), Ambulance 1A |
March 10, 2009 |
While a service rep was in quarters at Company 4 working on repairs to Engine 4-1's water tank, Adams County Control sounded the pre-alert for Box 27-1 for a reported working house fire at 385 Church Rd in Franklin Twp. Engine 4-3 responded in Engine 4-1's place and arrived as the second engine.
E4-3 immediately supplied E27 with its tank water while the crew pulled a second handline off of E27 to assist with fire attack. FL E7-2 arrived as the third engine and laid a 5" supply line back the lane from Church Rd where the fourth arriving engine (E5-1) picked up the line and set up to draft from a porta-tank. FL E16-2 established a fill site at a hydrant at the Village of Laurel Run on Chambersburg Rd and T6, FL ET5, E7-2, and E7-1 began shuttling water. FL TK17 and FL SQ41 arrived and their manpower assisted with extinguishment and RIT assignments. E1-1 (from Co 27) and E22-2 (from Co 4) were later requested for additional manpower to assist with the extensive overhaul operations. Just after clearing the scene while returning to Cashtown, E4-3 handled a vehicle accident just west of the intersection of Rte 30 and Rte 234. One patient was transported to the hospital by Franklin Amb 8-8 (Marion). E4-3 cleared the scene with PA State Police and fire police remaining. Thanks to E22-2 (Barlow) for the initial transfer and to ET19 (Bonneauville) for transferring when E22-2 was called to the scene. Units: E27, SU27, B27, E4-3, E5-1, T6, E7-1, E7-2, AMB 6A